Transferring Devices over to a new Genius Hub

Transferring Devices over to a new Genius Hub

Registering your Genius Hub

Your new Genius Hub will need to be registered on our website via the app.

You will need to choose a new username because we cannot have duplicate usernames on the system. We do not know your password, so this can be the same or different to your Genius Hub. For security we recommend choosing a different, secure password.

Resetting Existing Devices

Each device is linked to a single Genius Hub, to communicate with and received commands from. All of your existing devices which are being transferred need to have this link broken, and then added to the new Genius Hub. 

The easiest method, is to Factory Reset each of the devices. This can be done physically with the device and does not require either Genius Hub to be powered on or set up.

Alternatively, the device can be 'excluded' using either the old/new Genius Hub.

To do either of these operations:

In the app, go to the Main Menu

  • Select 'Doctor'
    • You can either press 'Device Assistance', then 'Remove & Reset an Old Device'
  • OR
  • Scroll down to the 'Index', then 'Devices' if you know the name and type of the device
    • Select the operation you wish to carry out from the list provided

A copy of all of these articles can be found here: Doctor Articles.

Transferring Room Names and Schedules

The zones and schedules will need to be created on your new Genius Hub, please see: Zone Setup.

Adding Devices to your new Genius Hub

Once all devices are factory reset, you can use the Doctor to add them to the new Genius Hub, see: Adding New Devices.

During this process you will be able to assign the devices to the zones created above.

Transferring Devices onto a Second Genius Hub on larger properties

These are scenarios when you have a larger building that requires more than one Genius Hub to control the property smoothly. Click here for further details: Positioning Multiple Genius Hubs on larger properties

Communications from one Genius Hub cannot be transmitted to the other Genius Hub as each set of components is paired to the Genius Hub it is assigned to. Therefore no crossover or boosting of signal for the other Genius Hub's network can happen.

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