Doctor Articles
  • Verified
  • Doctor Articles

    Our doctor software streamlines the process of diagnosing issues with devices by providing intuitive tools for troubleshooting, adding new devices, and resolving issues quickly.

    Whether you need to integrate new equipment or diagnose technical problems, the software offers step-by-step guidance and real-time diagnostics, ensuring seamless operation with minimal downtime.

    With automated updates, error reporting, and comprehensive support, our software ensures that your Genius Hub and devices stay functional and efficient.

    Select a Device:

    Need further help?:

    If this self help database does not help, and would like our personalised help with your issue, you will need to purchase a Support Ticket so we can help you find the solution you need in our knowledge base, or help you fix the issue by changing some settings on your HUB remotely.

    Managing Your Tickets: https://docs.geniushub.co.uk/support/managing-your-support-tickets

    Or, if you would prefer to have help over the phone or in a video call you need to purchase a Support One-2-One, where we can spend 1 hour with you face to face and help you with this and any other problem you have at the same time.


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