Lockable Manual TRV

Lockable Manual TRV

You may want to put a lockable manual TRV into a public area where you want the radiator to come on whenever the boiler or that heating zone of the property heats up.

These are popular with landlords that want to put them into hallways and ensuites etc. The landlord may choose to not put a Genius Wireless Radiator Valve in this room because they do not want to use the occupancy detection or a managed schedule for this area of the property, they are happy for it to just come on to a low heat whenever the boiler is running.

You can purchase these from plumbing merchants.

BOSS Supreme Plus | Product code: 442149 | MPC - BTRV15LS

To lock them off you need to get a little pin which it says is in the box, unfortunately it is not. You will need to contact Travis Perkins directly and ask them to send you some out, they are free of charge.

The instructions of how to set them to locked is in the box.

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