Managing your Support Tickets
Managing your Support Tickets
What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are a paid for option for further support of your Genius Hub system. For an optional one-off fee, you can get text support from Genius Hub technical staff. This does not affect the free 3-months phone assistance you receive when you purchase a Genius Hub. For more information or to purchase a Support Ticket, see here.
How to access your Support Ticket
- Login to your order account at: https://www.geniushub.co.uk/my-account/
- If you do not know your login details:
- The email address is the one where the Support Ticker notification was received.
- The password can be reset by clicking the Lost your password? link underneath the password field.
- If you do not know your login details:
- Select 'My Tickets' on the left hand side.
- On the new page, all tickets will be shown.
Each Support Ticket can have a single status at any point. The possible statuses are:
- New: Ticket has been created, but no information has been provided. Customer to action.
- Awaiting Customer Reply: Information has been added by an agent. Customer to action.
- Awaiting Agent Reply: A response has been made by the customer. Agent to action.
- Under Investigation: This ticket has been escalated and a deeper investigation is taking place. Agent to action.
- Closed: No further action possible for this ticket.
How to provide information or reply to a Support Ticket
- Access the button, using the above.
- Click on the relevant ticket.
- Type in the text box underneath the 'Ticket Details' section. Files can be attached, such as screenshots or photos of devices.
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