Smart Plug (E) Fix Comms

Smart Plug (E) Fix Comms

This article is an excerpt from the Genius Hub Doctor, which is built into the App.

These instructions are provided so that the step-by-step information is available to users, but please note that these actions should generally be carried out whilst using the Doctor.

To access the Doctor, click here

Solution ID: 7258

Step 1

Communications issues can have 3 broad causes:

1. The Genius Hub is not well located. If multiple devices have communication problems, or many devices have short term problems then this is likely the cause. The Genius Hub should be located towards the middle of the property to reduce the distance to any single device.

  • Ensure that the Genius Hub is in an open space and not hidden away behind any heavy objects. For optimum RF communication, fit the unit above floor level, and at least 30cm away from metal objects & appliances such as: boiler, hot water tank, microwave oven, cooker, fridge/freezer, stainless steel sink, TV, set-top box (satellite/cable/Freeview), radio, printer, photocopier or computer (desktop/laptop).
  • Do not place within 100cm of RF devices, such as cordless phones, mobile phone or Wi-Fi signal boosters, or Wi-Fi routers. It may be necessary to relocate the unit if problems with communication occur. Mobile phones should not be used or placed in the vicinity of this unit.

2. The mesh network isn't working well. Although all mains-powered device relay the signal, the main part of the mesh network is normally comprised of Smart Plugs. If one of these is not powered on/communicating it will reduce the routes of communication for all nearby devices. Another symptom of a poor mesh network is if a number of devices in the same area of the property are draining batteries ore quickly or displaying communication errors.

3. This device has a communication problem. Before fixing the device, consider if there have been any changes near the device recently. This can include moving furniture, installing new RF devices or changing the locations of Smart Plugs. If none of these changes have taken place, continue to troubleshoot the device.

Step 2

When a Smart Plug has no valid paths of communication back to the Genius Hub it can no longer accurately control the device plugged into the front to the schedule on the app. This can lead to the device being on when should be off and vice-versa. This can also cause other devices near this Smart Plug from being able to communicate back to the Genius Hub if they were communicating through the Smart Plug.

Step 3

First locate the Smart Plug which is not communicating with the Genius Hub.

The Doctor will ask you to select the relevant device

Step 4

The Genius Hub needs to attempt to communicate with the Genius Smart Plug once more.

The Doctor will communicate with the device

Step 5

First the Genius Hub needs to attempt to communicate with the Smart Plug.

The Doctor will communicate with the device

Wake up the device by short pressing the button on the front of the Smart Plug.

Step 6

The Doctor will test for communication with the device

If the ping failed to get through:

If the Smart Plug is still not communicating then is not able to find a route back to the Genius Hub.

There are a number of possible option to fix this:

1. Ensure all of your Smart Plugs are plugged in and powered on. These act as signal repeaters and if unplugged may stop any nearby devices from managing to contact the Genius Hub.

2. Move an existing Smart Plug closer to the Smart Plug . Moving a device which repeats the signal closer is likely to provide a new route back to the Genius Hub. If you have thick walls (or other materials which may block the signal like a metal cabinet or large piece of furniture) the Smart Plug may only be able to communicate through 1 wall in that direction.
Note: If you move a Smart Plug too far from its prior position, you may reduce the options for another device which needs to communicate with the Genius Hub.

3. Purchase a new Smart Plug to place near to this device. If you have a signal 'dead-spot' and cannot move another Smart Plug closer without adversely affecting he signal coverage elsewhere in the property a new Smart Plug will be needed to provide a suitable route back to the Genius Hub.

Once you have carried out the above options (one at a time and in turn), try the previous step once more to see if the device can now communicate with the Genius Hub.

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