No Weather Data

No Weather Data

This article is an excerpt from the Genius Hub Doctor, which is built into the App.

These instructions are provided so that the step-by-step information is available to users, but please note that these actions should generally be carried out whilst using the Doctor.

To access the Doctor, click here

Solution ID: 1011

Step 1

There are a number of reasons why the Genius Hub may not have valid weather data:

1. The Hub may not have a working internet connection.
To check this, try logging onto the system from a browser, or using the 3G/4G (not Wi-Fi) connection on a mobile device. If you can log in, the Genius Hub has a working internet connection.

2. The weather service is currently unavailable
The weather data is polled every hour, so check back in a few hours (normally leave it 12 hours) and see if weather data is now displayed in the Main Menu found at the top-right of the app.

Weather data is used for pre-heat, if you do not use pre-heat then it has no use on your system. Weather data is also displayed on the main menu of the app for your information

We are working on a new weather database API which will improve the granularity of the weather data in the future

If the above does not work, here are some additional solutions to try:

3. You may need to update your details to refresh the postcode used to get the local weather.
To do this, go to the Main Menu of the app, click on your username and select 'Update my details'. Select the Location tab and re-enter the location of the Genius Hub. The weather data is polled every hour, so check back in a few hours and see if weather data is now displayed in the Main Menu found at the top-right of the app.

  1. You can try to move the point on the map to the adjacent street about 1km away, so the weather is picked up in a different grid square in the weather database.
  2. You can try by searching the town/city that you are in/or near to collect weather data that is local to you.