* When a hub cannot see any devices because it is in a poor location such as inside a server cabinet, or something changes such as a new internet router is placed very close or on top of a hub the hub cannot communicate effectively to the devices in the property. We are implementing a change so it will fail more gracefully when it cannot communicate to the majority of the listening devices and it will alert the user to this fact.
* We are seeing a shift in the customer base to those with larger homes as we are being branded as the true zoned system unlike smart thermostats with valves as these don’t take into account things like electric heating, underfloor heating or multiple zone valves. We are also keeping an eye on the commercial world where the Genius Hub is being installed into pretty complicated properties with all of the above. In a large domestic property where more than one hub is required, currently each hub must be able to call on the heat source, we plan to change this so one hub can tell another hub to bring on a heat source, allowing us to save a lot of cabling between hubs on larger systems.
* Multihub Dashboard
* Again with larger properties in mind that have more than one hub it would be better if you did not have to swap between hubs on the app as you currently have to, but you could see a summary of all hubs in one screen. This would help with quickly applying settings from one room to another across hubs. Our largest site currently has 27 hubs across it and another site has a single building with 13 hubs in one building alone. In these sites user privileges are also important so a receptionist can only boost a room but a maintenance engineer can administer and service the system. The same applies to the domestic environment where parents can have access to the whole system and children may have the app but may only be able to boost their own room to a maximum temperature.