Each of your devices is listed out, along with the zone the device is assigned to and the time since it last communicated.
- Device ID: Each Each device is assigned a unique number so it can be identified on the system.
- Device Summary: The type of the device is listed next, such as Radiator Valve or Room Sensor, along with the room is it assigned to.
- Time since last communication: All devices communicate wirelessly with the system, with battery powered devices and mains powered devices communicating differently.
A battery powered device is asleep most of the time to preserve the battery. These wake up at regular intervals to check for any queued messages. The wake-up intervals can be found here.
A mains powered devices will receive messages as soon as they are queued, but do not communicate regularly. Therefore if no action is required for a mains-powered device, this time since last communication can be many hours.
For more infrmation, see this article.